Thursday, May 20, 2010

We have been so busy with Casey's art show ...I haven't had time to sit let alone blog. But...viewers...don't worry! The art show is over, Molly's asleep in her swing beside me, and I'm ready to write! Oh I feel a tangent coming on. Do people blog anymore?? Or have they reverted to plain ole facebook?? I personally get excited when one of my peeps has a new blog post with lots of great pictures and funny stories. I like to share what's going on in our lives but am wondering if it's gone out of style with tight rolled jeans!

Anywho...back to our update. Casey has 2 weeks left of school. Woo hoo! It will be SO nice to have him home for the summer. He's enjoyed teaching so much and truly has a gift. He had an annual art show to display the kids artwork and raise money for the art department. He raised $400 MORE than they did last year! I'm so proud of him!

Molly's doing great! She's almost 7 months old and is keeping me SO busy as all you moms know. Here's some stats:

-Weighed 12lbs 1 oz at her 6 Month checkup (Squirt!) They told me not to worry b/c she is gaining weight but when I'm the one giving her the nutrients and calories it's hard not to.

-Sleeping 11-12 hours straight at night (Praise the Lord!)

-Taking 2-3 naps 45-1 1/2 hours....I sure wish she slept longer but can't complain...she'd rather clump it all in at night!

-Nursing 4-5 times a day with some bottles hear and there

-Sitting up ALL of her little self

-Loves to chase Chloe around the house via walking or flying. She LOVES walking around with our hands. Uh oh! (Early walker?)

-Has eaten lots of veggies and some fruit. LOVES carrots, sweet potatoes, peas...pretty much everything! Will be trying avocado tomorrow! Mmmm!

-Eating 2-3 meals a day

-No words yet but is getting close with the "M's" Momma in her near future!?!

-Loves to imitate our sounds or facial expressions

-Jibber Jabbers in her own language...and squeals!! Mercy...she squeals!
And is making us fall in love with her more and more every day if that's possible!

I also had a great 1st Mother's Day. I'll always remember the first one as a Mother. Casey made it so special and gave me a bracelet with her birthstone. Lucky for her she's a girl because her birthstone's pink! We were able to celebrate with both our Moms at the same time. How special! Love you both!


Joni said...

Hey Kelly! YES I am a terrible blogger but LOVE reading others :) I do like blogs better than FB, I will try to update soon! Molly is so cute and so little!!! let's get together this summer.

Linda said...

Three Moms and a Baby. (as in 3 Men and a Love all the photos on the blog. I'm saving them all.