Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's off to work I go....Now that I have you singing our great Dwarfs. You're welcome! That's right...*sniff*...I went back to work last week. Working three 12 hours nights a week is going to be an adjustment. Goodbye sleep! I'll miss you! Casey's doing great with her...not getting much sleep however but they're having precious Daddy/Daughter time! It was the hardest thing ever! Saying goodbye to my sweet Molly through tears and kisses. I kissed her so much she moved away from me! Ha! I cried most of the way there...but was welcomed with open arms by my sweet coworkers. They kept me laughing and distracted all night. I'm surprised I remembered what to do! And so far work has been a doosy! 28 week triplets, in utero strokes, diaphramatic hernias....after having one of your own...your perspective really changes when you have to take care of sick babies...full term when the parents think everything;s normal going into delivery. What a horrible shock. It's hard and I feel so terrible for them. Some will take home a developmentally challenged baby while others may not get the chance to do that. I just think about how blessed I am. God gave us a beautiful, healthy, perfect little girl which could have easily been different. I've come home every morning and hugged her so tightly thanking God for her.


Jennifer said...

It does change how you take care of those babies, doesn't it? I remember the first time I had to do compressions on a baby after having Brice and I totally lost it! Someone had to take over for me because I was just imagining little Brice and how that mother must've felt! Makes you appreciate yours so much more and appreciate what those mothers are going through! So glad that you are "back in the saddle", Snow White!

Sarah&Jason said...

You never missed a beat, tho Kelly. You did great with those sweet babies, and I felt privileged to work alongside you!