Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Who's coming to Goldrush??? We can't wait to hangout and see everybody. I love this time of weather, changing leaves, they holidays approaching! I'm assuming the poker tournament is still on....Casey is the current reigning champion!! Don't worry folks....I'll make him pass it on to the next champ. Anyway...see ya in a few weeks!!

This is a video for all you mom's out's not relevant to my post. I just thought it was funny!


Jenny said...

That's pretty funny! I wonder how long she had to rehearse that to get it straight.

Jenny said...

Oh, and, yes, we're coming to Gold Rush.

Liz said...

Looks like I'm coming to G-Rush.

The Hartzog's said...

We're bummed because we're not going to make it to Gold Rush afterall. Ethan's birthday is that weekend and we're doing his party that Saturday. We hoped to try to come on Sunday, but's back to house stuff. Ya'll have fun!!

Josh and Donna said...

i will not compete for the trophy. but i WILL enjoy your company at gold rush!