Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ladies in the house....I need HELP!!! Casey is doing some yard work yesterday and he finds a family of black widow spiders. That's fine and I think to myself sas he's telling me this "ok you stomped on them and now they're dead!" NOPE!!! Think again! When I get home this morning....he's got a BLACK WIDOW in a mason jar with holes punched in the top. He says...."but I want to keep it as a pet!" WHAT!?! Right now as I'm typing....this creepy....long legged....not to mention poisnous spider is staring at me. What is with men and spiders? Josh had pet spiders and now Casey has joined the bandwagon. I feel like they're crawling all over me. And I get to go to bed with it IN MY HOUSE!!! I'm going to have dreams of spiders on me all day!! Please help me convince him to get rid of it and that ONE pet is enough! If it's not gone when I wake up....I'm afraid Ms. Widow is going to meet a grave end.


Ang said...

Okay, no way. I will not deal with insects of any kind. There is no way that I would live with spiders. Casey, get rid of them. What if one of them gets out, not fun. I'm with you Kelly, the spiders should be killed.

The Hartzog's said...

NOOOOOOOO WAY would I have a spider intentionally living in my house, not to mention a POISONOUS ONE!!! Casey, you need to take your little science fair project elsewhere. Kelly, I'm so with you. What in the WORLD would you do if you went in to check on that crazy thing and it was not in the jar?? You'd have to move!

Jenny said...

I killed a black widow the other day in our garage. I found the biggest broom we own and pounded that thing into the concrete. Casey, if Kelly is anything like me, she won't be at peace with that thing in her house as a pet. And don't you want to provide her with a safe and secure place to live with you?! :)

Casey said...

Okay, okay. I killed the spider. Actually, I was thinking about how big it was.. and I was thinking that if she had baby spiders.. they might be able to get out of the holes I punched in the lid. See my delima?