Well this is definitely LONG overdue. We've had our sweet addition for 3 1/2 weeks now. How is it possible he will be 1 month old in a matter of days! He is such a precious blessing. He is so cuddly and loves to be held. He's got the temper of a typical red head! That should be fun in 2 years! Ha. He is a GREAT eater and gained 18 oz in a week at his 2 week appointment..weighung 8-10! As I sit here in a quiet house with a sleeping newborn while Casey is Christmas shopping with Molly...I remember how easy life with ONE baby was. Even though I thought at the time I was going insane! Life with 2 babies is not as hard as I had anticipated. Don't get me wrong..when I'm by myself it is definitely trying at times. The hardest part so far is figuring out how to be in two places at once. When they both need something...it's inevitable one of them will end up crying, which breaks a Momma's heart to not be able to give them undivided attention. It's a learning process and we are absolutely learning as we go. Molly is the sweetest big sister I know. She doesn't have one ounce of jealousy...Praise the Lord. She rubs his head, kisses his face, and even says "It's ok "Incoln" I coming buddy!" when he's crying. I guess she must hear that a lot! LOL! Hearing her say his name is so funny as she can't pronounce her Ls. I think they will have lots of fun together in the years to come.
On to more info: A brief birth story of how our little Lincoln came into the world. I'll make it short without gory details, but I do love reading everyone elses birth stories. So I thought I'd share mine.
As much as I wanted to go into labor on my own like Molly...this little boy was stubborn and wanted to hang on to Momma forever! As tempting as the doctor made it sound to be induced a week early, we decided to try and do it on my own and if he wasn't here by my due date November 27th then the safest thing to do was induce on the 28th. My doctor was on call. So instead of my water breaking at home and driving into the hospital in labor...I woke up insanely early and calmly headed to the hospital. They started only a small amount of Pitocin about 8:30 A.M. Thank goodness I didn't need very much. Dr. Gumer broke my water soon after that...which was none too pleasant. After an hour and a half of quick and painful contractions my epidural was on the way. As much as it HURTS to have one placed...the blessings of sweet relief make it totally worth it. Another hour and a half of feeling crazy pressure (you know where!) and we were pushing our big red headed boy into the world. 3 pushes and my beautiful son was here! The pregnancies are not too fun (besides feeling them move and watching your belly grow), but the labor and delivery I honestly enjoy...call me crazy! With only 4 hours of labor, we were holding our boy!
He was named after his Grandad Colson, Larry Olan Colson. Now both our children have their Grandads' middle names. I think it's so special. Molly Lee and Lincoln Olan.
Lincoln Olan Colson
Born November 28, 2011 12:31 P.M.
8 lbs 2oz and 20 inches long