Monday, April 10, 2006

The Shearing of the Sheep...uh Dog's time to shave Chloe. She has mattes galore. Poor thing...with that hair, she looks like a miniature sheepdog. Her hair gets soooo tangled the only thing to do is shave her. We're trying to save money here and the groomers is she's terrified of the stranger with scissors and leash. Who knows what really goes on in there. So we decided to take a stab at becoming groomers. Initially I was the holder and Casey was the shaver. She's very trusting of us...she didn't move a muscle. But of course....the woman thinks the man isn't doing it right so I took over. Shortly after I cut her leg.....I gave the scissors and clippers back to him. He's very careful with her skin. Despite the uneveness she looks pretty good and matte free. I think we need a trophy in pet grooming.


Hollie Carson said...

Way to go!! She looks great. I can't believe how HUGE she is!!!


Rydel said...
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Rydel said...

She looks great, really, do you guys do work on humans?