So I'm...ahem...a LITTLE late with her 6 month pictures. I'm pretending to be a photographer and do my own baby photo shoots to save money. I'm a work in progress. The "taking" of the pictures was the easy's the "editing" that is so time consuming. But I'm SO excited about how they turned out. I can't wait to get some of these up on my walls!
Molly had some first experiences this week. She discovered she LOVES swimming pools! She chillaxed in the cools waters of her pool to get away from the busy days of eating, sleeping, playing, and snuggling.
And we practiced feeding ourself. I gave her a sweet potatoe puff cracker because this girl LOVES sweet taters. She wasn't all about the puff but we'll get there. So cute!
Molly and I went to lunch yesterday with some good friends from my work. There were lots of babies was SO much fun to snuggle with the other babes and let Molly have some playtime. After friend, Brooke taught Molly how to shop for sales at the mall while I had a doctor's appointment. When I came home....this is what was waiting for me. A photoshoot!
This is Molly's friend, Madeline. She 8 weeks old and as big as Molly!
Hey got something back here. Want me to get it??